BOXERgeom provides the engineer with new methods to generate and optimize designs. Scalar data of choice such as heat flux can be used to modify geometry based on design ideas.
Automatic, node matched, conformal multi-region mesh generation, coupled with fully parallel software enables substantial time saving for design evaluation.

Battery Cooling
As vehicles, manufacturing processes and other systems transition to electric, demand has increased for efficient battery thermal management systems. BOXERgeom’s geometry morphing capability provides engineers with new optimisation methods to generate design concepts based the CFD flow field and modelled physical phenomena
New designs for the cross section shape of a heat pipe generated based on surface heat flux data. Regions with higher than average heat flux morphed inwards while regions with heat flux value lower than average morphed outwards. Morphing the geometry in or out in relation the average heat flux maintains a consistent heated surface area between design iterations.

Conformal Mesh for Conjugate Heat Transfer
Easily capture the fluid and structural regions in the geometry to create conformal meshes for conjugate heat transfer.