BOXERgeom's unique capability allows through-life performance prediction of components. Model natural processes such as corrosion, particulate build up, clogging and erosion. Use simulation data to deform and generate new geometry.
Turbine Blade Life CFD Simulation
The fully parallel nature of BOXER gives users the power to mesh larger and more complex geometries than before. This example shows the mesh of a power station site with detailed meshing of the power turbine.
It also shows degradation modelling of a turbine blade using BOXER's level-set morphing.
Cityscape with Helicopter mesh
BOXER software allows you to combine and mesh geometry from various sources.
Multiscale Mesh BOXERmesh
The fully parallel nature of BOXER gives users the power to mesh larger and more complex geometries than before.
Quick Start: How to set up and generate a mesh with BOXER
Learn the basics of how to set up and generate a mesh using BOXER software. This video takes you through the steps from importing geometry to mesh file export.
Multi-region mesh of HP Turbine Rotor CFD Tutorial
Multi-region meshing is used for applications with multiple flow paths or conjugate heat transfer. BOXER can be used to import multiple parts and generate conformal mesh for different regions. This walkthough example shows how to set up a multi-region mesh in BOXER.
Surface mesh refinement using Polylines (CFD)
The polyline tool is a handy way to select complex regions for surface mesh refinement. Watch this short video to find out how to use this tool.